Воздушная завеса для учреждений

Air Curtain for Institutions

Air curtain for institutions is widely installed to protect clean sanitation and save energy as entrance doors are open.

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Приемная дверь

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Benefits of Air Curtain for Institutions

Air curtain for institutions bring lots of benefits for daily operation of schools,hospitals,universities and other educational palces,banks,etc,following are some examples:

Improve Efficiency of Work and Study

Air door curtain can improve work and study efficience by protecting comfortable temperature in the classrooms,dormitories or treatment rooms. It brings more comfort to people and help them focus on work,study as well as make comfort for patient in hospital.

Protect Sanitation & Insect control

Door air curtains protect sanitation by creating invisible air door with strong airflow near the entrance and keep away from insects,pests,bugs,dust outdoors.

Экономить энергию

Air doors save energy a lot for institutions by create environmental seperation between different areas. Air door curtain stalize indoor conditioned air and reduce workload of large commercial or industrial HVAC systems in the institutions.

Главный вход

There are a big people traffic around main entrance of institutes such as primary shool,university,hospital. Air curtain for door creates wide open entrance and ensure a large number of students are able to go through the entrance  in a short time. Airtechz provide the best air curtain models to makes a environment separation between indoors and outdoors temperature as people come and go.

Воздушные завесы серии SA

Воздушная завеса серии Basic Plus

Воздушная завеса серии А

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Приемная дверь

Air doors at receiving door stops insects,flying bugs,flies,pest from outdoor as workers unload goods from outside.

Воздушная завеса из нержавеющей стали

Встраиваемая воздушная завеса

Черная воздушная завеса серии B

Дверь для хранения

Дверные воздушные завесы над дверью холодного помещения создают прочную воздушную стену между холодным помещением и улицей и защищают внутренний холодный воздух от внешней горячей окружающей среды.

Вертикальная воздушная завеса

Воздушная завеса серии Basic Plus

Воздушная завеса серии Super

производство различных типов воздушных завес, воздушных дверей

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