промышленные воздушные завесы

Воздушная завеса для промышленности

Воздушные завесы для промышленности

Воздушная завеса для промышленности имеет широкий спектр применения во многих отраслях промышленности. Дверные воздушные завесы помогают создать необходимую температуру, влажность, а также комфортную рабочую среду на промышленных предприятиях.

Content Table

What’s An Industrial Air Curtain?

Как работает воздушная завеса?

Особенности промышленной воздушной завесы


Применение промышленных воздушных завес

Где установить воздушные завесы

Как выбрать промышленные воздушные завесы

What’s An Industrial Air Curtain?

Промышленная воздушная завеса специально разработана для применения в промышленных помещениях, таких как производственные предприятия, холодильные камеры, логистические распределительные центры и склады, горнодобывающая, химическая и обрабатывающая промышленность и т. д. Промышленные воздушные завесы помогают улучшить условия окружающей среды, экономить энергию и повысить эффективность работы в промышленных отраслях.

Как работают промышленные воздушные завесы?

В отличие от обычных коммерческих воздушных завес, в промышленных воздушных завесах используются очень мощные большие двигатели, а также усиленные воздуходувки большого размера и гигантский шкаф, которые создают толстый невидимый воздушный экран за счет сверхсильного давления воздуха и относительно большего воздушного потока.

Типы воздушных завес в зависимости от материала шкафа

Воздушная завеса из нержавеющей стали

Stainless Steel Industrial Air Curtain

 Воздушные завесы из нержавеющей стали рекомендуются для помещений с повышенной влажностью. Его корпус/шкаф изготовлен из нержавеющей стали марки 304 или выше, обладающей превосходной коррозионной стойкостью. Промышленные воздушные завесы со шкафами из нержавеющей стали могут хорошо работать в прибрежных районах, холодных помещениях, дождливых и островных районах.

Plastic & EPP Material Air Curtain

Plastic air curtains are also popular among many places,they are light-weighted and also have good features for corrosion resistance. However its strength, hardness and toughness is lower than metal material. EPP material air curtain also light-weighted and less working vibration becaused of soft material feature. However, expensive costs make it not so friendly to many customers.

Aluminum Alloy Air Curtain

Air curtain cabinet made of aluminum alloy material has beautiful shining appearance, light-weighted and superior physical toughness in long term operation. But cost is higher than that of other materials.

Standard Steel Air Curtain with Powder Coating

Steel material air curtains with powder coating are popular around the world because of its acceptable corrosion resistance,costs,customized color options. And it suitable for most premises applications,such as regular loading docks, workshops,logistics distribution centers,shopping mall,etc.

Standard Steel Industrial Air Curtain

Gavanized Steel Air Curtain

Air curtains with gavanized steel cabinet are corrosion resistant, abration resistant, durable and low-maintenance as well as relatively lower costs.

Industrial Air Curtain Types According to Blower Structure

Tangential Blower/ Impeller

Industrial air curtains with tangential blower have relatively bigger size metal impellers and relatively larger air volume and smooth airflow. And these big metal blowers build up the stable and seamless air wall between different areas.

Metal Tangential blower/ Cross flow impeller

Centrifugal Blower/Impeller

industrial air curtain with centrifugal blower

Industrial air curtains with centrifugal blowers structure is the major industrial air curtains type in global scale. They are consist of multiple centrifugal fans, which generate constant air streams with strong air pressure and super high air speed. In some case, these type of air curtains air velocity could reach more than 30m/s, especially suitable for industrial doors with height range from 4-10 meters.

Axial Blower/Impeller

Industrial air curtain with axial blower structure is not so popular as other types of industrial air curtains, but it featured with smooth and stable airflow and extreme large air volume. Particularly, axial blowers type air curtains with heating function,create large stream of hot airflow and warm up large spaces efficiently.

industrial air curtain with axial fan

Features of Industrial Air Curtains

Industrial air curtains are quite different from any other types of air curtains because of the  unique features of industrial premises.

Big Size & Heavy Duty Design

Industrial air curtains are specially designed with big-size cabinets, particularly, some of the cabinets are made of stainless steel or gavanized steel materials with excellent features of corrosion resistance. Besides, they are desined with extremely large sized fan blowers, heavy duty motor, more advanced bearings for industrial purpose. 

Extremely Strong Performance

Industrial air curtains are designed with big motors,blowers and bearing driving system.which creates super large air flow/air volume, super strong air speed/air pressure. As a result, the air isolation between indoors and outdoors effect are strong enough for large space areas.

Large & High Entrance/Doors

Industrial air curtains are widely applied above large entrance doors, of which heights range from 4 meters to 8 meters. And door widths are also big, ranging from 2 meters to 6 meters.

Mostly Installed on Industrial Doors/Dock Doors

Heavy duty air curtains are especially widely installed over industrial doors, dock doors, high speed doors, PVC strip doors. Moreover, industrial air curtains are designed with multiple mounting options for different types industrial doors installation,including ceiling hanging installation, vertical installation, installation against extra brackets,etc.  Связаться с нами to learn more.

Benefits of Industrial Air Curtain:

Воздушные завесы имеют множество преимуществ для различных аспектов промышленности. Ниже приведены некоторые примеры.

  • Maintain required temperatures & humidities
  • Improve transportation efficiency 
  • Stops flies,bacteria,dust,odors from outside
  • Save energy from industrial HVAC systems
  • Improve efficiency of smoke control and ventilation systems

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Industrial Air Curtain Applications


Smart manufacturing factories managers install industrial air curtains in many entrances and doors in their production plants. Because air curtains help on improvement of production quality standard by keeping up required stable temperature & humidity levels and dust free environments. 

Beside, air curtains installed in laboratories,offices,test room in the manufacturing factories creates stable temperatures and humidity at required levels. And stable humidity and temperature levels are important for employee in a manufacturing plant. In some instances, poor temperature and humidity levels can affect employee health. Excessively High or low humidity levels can lead to skin or respiratory conditions and other physical uncomfort make employee difficult to concentrate their works. There is a research explain this well as follows:

According to Dr. Bijan Najafi, professor in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor and director of clinical research in the division of vascular surgery and endovascular therapy, the relationship between office humidity levels and health can cost the employer in terms of productivity and sick leave. He and fellow researchers wanted to understand the impact that relative humidity has on health and well-being in real-world conditions.

refer from: https://healthsciences.arizona.edu/newsroom/news-releases/2019/relative-humidity-workplace-can-impact-employee-health

Food Processing & Pharmaceutical Plants

Industrial air curtains are widely applied in food and pharmaceutical plants to protect food and parmaceutical facilities in in the processing and storage areas from entrance of flying insects,bacteria,dusts. Furthermore, air curtains also do help in keeping up required temperatures and humidities for food & pharmaceutical process,storage and improve the safety and quality of raw material and finished products.  Especially,industrial air curtains are badly needed for some areas which require strict and stable temperature & humidity ranges. For example,pharmaceutical manufacturing,storage areas. read more

Логистика и склад

Air curtains applied in warehouses and logistics distribution centers can effectively improve the efficiency of goods transportation. Since air curtains create free non-obstructive entrances for trolleys,forklifts, workers to pass through, and ultimately lead to the improvement of overall working efficiency and workplace safety.What’s more, air curtains can also protect inside warehouse temperatures and humidities from outside heat or cold and ultimately protect goods well.

Electrical & Electronics Products Plant

Electronics manufacturing and assembly plants apply industrial air curtains to create a stable environmental conditions with required humidity and free of dust. When expose to high humidity and dusty environment, electrical and electronics products can experience corrosion and induced insulation resistance ,which ultimately lead to short circuits. Fortunately,industrial air curtains work well in keeping up stable relatively low humidity and clean production environment for electronics products.

Where To Install Industrial Air Curtains ?

Entrances of Raw Material Warehouses

Industrial air curtains installed above the entrances of raw material warehouses creates high pressure and large volume airflow to stop excessive heat, dust, flies from outside so as to ensure clean and perfect storage environmental conditions for raw material.

Office Entrance

An air door over office door creates a strong air wall between office areas and manufacturing areas. It helps to protect office areas from odors, dusts,excessive heat or cold air,which come from other areas.

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Entrance of Manufacturing Areas

Industrial air curtains above the entrance of production plants help ensure perfect indoor environmental conditions for high standard production. Beside, air curtains can also  improve effectiveness of smoke control & ventilation system by isolating the smoke in the manufacturing areas and ultimately drive it to extraction systems.

Entrance of Finished Products Warehouse

Воздушная завеса, установленная над входом в склад, образует изоляцию окружающей среды от экстремальных температур, влажности наружного воздуха и защищает товары на складе.

How To Select The Best Industrial Air Curtain?

It’s very important to select appropriate industrial air curtains for different entrances. Suggest to read the following tips before make decision.

Air Curtain Sizes & Entrance Size

firstly make sure entrance height and then check with air curtain airflow effective distance; Then check entrance length and select how many air curtains and which size air curtains you need to install.

Applications Premises

Secondly, take application premises into account. For a cold place application, you need to select air curtain with heaters; For a dangerous place,such as chemical raw materials, petroleum, fabircation process area, you need to install anti-explosion air curtain. 

Cabinet / Casing / Housing Material

Casing material is another important factor in industrial air curtain selections and applications. There are popular optional cabinet material for air curtains casing, such as standard steel, aluminum alloy,gavanized steel, stainless steel and plastic.

производство различных типов воздушных завес, воздушных дверей

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