Archives par mot-clé : how to select an air curtain

qu'est-ce qu'un rideau d'air ?

Description et introduction sur la porte du rideau d'air

You can see air curtains in many places like restaurants, malls, air hangars, waiting rooms, customer entryways, and office entrances, generally, these air-conditioned places where technical or due to the inconvenience of substantial influx and efflux of public it’s not feasible to close the doors. Otherwise, some large buildings with different working sections also install air curtains, though they are generally used on exterior entrances. Please read more information by the following link.

Dans de tels cas, ces rideaux d'air agissent comme une barrière entre l'air extérieur et l'air intérieur et empêchent ainsi le mélange d'air et empêchent ainsi les infiltrations d'air et ainsi provoquer des différences de température. Ils peuvent fonctionner avec des radiateurs ou des climatiseurs selon les besoins. Les rideaux d'air généralement utilisés sont orientés vers le bas. Des options orientées vers le haut ou vers le côté sont également disponibles.
Les gens utilisent également des rideaux d'air pour éviter les courants d'air froids en mélangeant l'air chaud des rideaux d'air avec des fonctions de chauffage dans les pays froids. Le ventilateur est suffisamment puissant pour générer un jet d'air pouvant atteindre le sol.

De plus, en raison de leur forte turbulence de l'air contre le sol, ils aident à éloigner les mouches, les moustiques et autres insectes. Une porte à rideau d'air peut également former un mur d'isolation invisible pour empêcher la poussière et les odeurs de l'extérieur.

vitrine d'application de rideau d'air.
Lien produit

Les rideaux d'air sont des produits économes en énergie, ils peuvent aider à réduire les dépenses d'énergie en améliorant l'efficacité du climatiseur ou du réchauffeur d'air. Une porte à rideau d'air consomme peu d'énergie et peut créer un mur d'air efficace pour isoler l'air entre l'intérieur et l'extérieur. Certains rideaux d'air utilisent également des moteurs à courant continu, qui consomment moins d'énergie.
Les applications industrielles et commerciales peuvent varier selon les besoins.

Le rideau d'air n'est PAS un climatiseur. Une porte à rideau d'air est un ventilateur puissant qui force un flux d'air à grande vitesse au-dessus de l'entrée pour isoler l'environnement d'air intérieur et extérieur. Il consomme moins d'énergie qu'un climatiseur. Les gens installent largement des rideaux d'air aux portes d'entrée des supermarchés, des théâtres, des hôtels, des entrepôts de stockage de nourriture, des résidences, etc. Cela empêche les insectes volants d'entrer et maintient l'air conditionné à l'intérieur, réduisant les coûts énergétiques.

Comment choisir un rideau d'air parfait

We all know that air curtain plays important role in energy saving. it can help reduce electricity consumption. Because it can guard conditioned air indoors from possible air escaping through entrances. However few people know how to choose the right air curtains for their buildings. And now I’d like to share some information on this point. Hope this could help you as you choose air curtains.

There are some factors for air curtain choice as follows:

  1. The function of air curtain
  2. Height of entrance for air curtain
  3. Width of entrance
  4. Place of Installation
  5. Air curtain housing/cabinet material
  6. Control system
  7. Aesthetic

  • 1. At first, function refers that what you expect from an air curtain.

To keep cool air indoors during hot summer, suggest you choose an ambient air curtain;

In order to keep warm air indoors during winter, suggest you choose an air curtain with a heating function.

  • 2. Then the height of the entrance is also a key factor in choosing air curtains.

for shops with low-height entrances, for example, 2.5 meters (8ft). Basic air curtains with an airspeed of 11m/s (at the nozzle) can be chosen. For example this air curtain. (;

bigger building, hospital, and shopping mall with 3.5-4 meters (11.5-13ft) entrance height. Air curtain with stronger air pressure is needed, air speed ranges from 14.5 to 16m/s.Refer to information from (

large cold rooms, logistic distributing centers, factory these places with entrance heights of more than 4-6 meters(13ft-20ft). Large air speed and also air volume are necessary factors for an air curtain.

  • 3. Width of the entrance is also an important factor in choosing air curtains. It’s necessary to measure and make sure of the entrance width. Then choose an air curtain of which maximum length that is a little bit bigger than the length entrance so that the air curtain can work effectively to guard indoor air. If the width of the entrance is bigger than the air curtain’s maximum length, there are some places that can’t be covered under the effective working range of the air curtain. If the air curtain length is much bigger than the width of the entrance, the air curtain’s effective working range covers places that do not need isolation, which is a waste of energy. If a single air curtain can not cover the entrance completely, you can buy multiple air curtain units and line them up and make sure the total length of the air curtains is a little bit bigger than the width of the entrance.

4. Installation places are also important for choosing air curtains.

Apply in a library, air curtains with less working noise are suggested.

Installed in coastal places, you’d better choose an air curtain with anti-corrosive housing, moreover, to choose an air curtain with specially designed motor for coastal and other tough and corrosive places.

  • Use an air curtain inside the cold room. Suggest choosing an air curtain with a motor that can work well even in very low temperatures inside cold rooms.
  • Operate in places with explosive substances, and suggest carefully choosing a special air curtain with an anti-explosive design.

  • 5. Air curtain housing material is the other factor that also matters. Housing materials include regular steel, aluminum alloy, ABS plastic, and EPP material. Regular steel housing is suggested for most regular place installations. Aluminum alloy, ABS plastic, and EPP housing are suggested for corrosive, place installations.

  • 6. Moreover control system is also important for customers during operating it. And it has multiple options, including the most popular infrared remote controller, mechanical control buttons, and automatic door sensor control system. Because each place has different installation conditions. So multiple control methods are necessary.
  • A remote controller is very convenient for users to control as the air curtain is installed at a high position and one can not reach the control buttons on the housing.
  • Mechanical control buttons are very classic and simple in design; it has very stable control and a long lifespan. But sometimes it is hard to touch it as the air curtain is hung at a high position above the door.
  • The automatic door sensor control system makes the air curtain start to work and stop working according to the door opening and close. It needs an extra accessory to work with the air curtain.

  • 7. At last, aesthetics is another factor in air curtain choice. Beauty appreciation is also important for a shop, restaurant, etc. Different air curtain colors and outer casing designs were chosen need to match perfectly with the surrounding decoration theme, the color of the shops, or other installation places. The following picture is an example.

Finally, thanks for your attention, and hope the above information may help you in choosing your target air curtains.

25th August 2022